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Moissanite is a celestial origin gemstone found by the French scientist Henri Moissan in 1893, later to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He found small chips of this gemstone in a meteorite crater in Arizona, thinking of them as diamonds. Later on, he realized that the crystals are of silicon carbide.

General statistics indicate, unless it is exceptionally rare, that it seems not to be found in the Earth's crust, making most moissanite in the markets today created in a lab. Moissan's particle eventually emerged from the scientific labs after years of experiments, and this brilliant gem came into existence. Due to this very reason, moissanite is the king of stimulant diamonds, which can only be artificially made to mirror the looks of a diamond. Although both diamond and moissanite are good heat conductors, chemically speaking, moissanite is poles apart from diamonds in strength, brilliance, as well as color.

Benefits of Moissanite

If you need a central stone that is rare and shiny but not as expensive as diamonds, moissanite can be a great choice. The benefits of moissanite are:

A moissanite stone looks exactly like a diamond but is far less expensive. This means that you will be able to increase your carat weight without breaking the bank.

Almost everything about moissanite is almost perfect: a good one is clear and almost perfectly cut, without any defects or imperfections. Moissanite has more fire and sparkle in it than that of a diamond's.fortune.

Moissanite, right behind diamonds, is one of the two hardest gemstones. Ranked 9.25–9.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, where diamond is a 10. This is no scratching, no tarnishing, and no rubbing off with it like lots of other gemstones.

Grading of Moissanite Color

On the industry-wide D-to-Z grading scale, traditional Moissanite stones will grade as one of the following categories below:

1. Colorless Moissanite stones fall into the grade category of D-E-F.

2. Near-colorless Moissanite stones fall into the grade category G-H-I.

3. Faintly tinted Moissanite stones fall into grade category J-K.

From there, color within Moissanite stones begins to deepen into yellow or brown.

Moissanite VS Natural Diamonds

The most recent popular natural diamond substitutes are moissanite and natural diamonds, each with its own distinct feature.


But with the reasons below, Moissanite is shining more today as the perfect gem to put in your jewelry:
Exceptional Brilliance: It produces even greater brilliance than diamond since it has a higher refractive index. It just captures and reflects all light around in such a delightful way and outshines mined diamonds.
Unbeatable Affordability: Moissanite proffers luxury, but at fractional costs in comparison to diamonds. You can, therefore, get that great piece of jewelry without having to pay so much for it and still have value for money.
Unrivaled Durability: Rating as high as 9.25 on the Mohs Scale, moissanite achieves extreme durability and is quite scratch-resistant. It doesn't easily chip or fracture, unlike diamonds, therefore always looking gorgeous over the years.
Unparalleled Sustainability: Lab-created in ethical labs, moissanite does not have to impact the natural environment through mining. Choosing moissanite means consumers can speak for these avenues of sustainability and not have any ethical issue associated with diamond mining.
Limitless Versatility: Moissanite can be cut in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to perfectly fit your style. Be it classic look round cuts, romantic hearts, or trendy cushions, moissanite is very vibrant in giving endless options for making personalized jewelry.

Natural Diamonds

Mined diamonds have long carried top reputations for their beauty and symbolic qualities, but in several key areas, they quite often leave something to be desired as compared to moissanite, including:
Natural Beauty with Limitations: Mined diamonds are beautiful in their natural state, but also, just as thoroughly tiny cracks, color variations, and cloudiness. Moissanite, on the other hand, offers consistently exceptional brilliance and clarity without the limitations of natural formation.
Exorbitant Prices: Mined diamonds are highly overpriced because of their rarity and the high cost of their mining and distribution. On the other hand, moissanite allows one to have attractive jewelry at almost half the cost one would spend on diamonds.
Environmental Concerns: Seeing the amount of environmental damage that diamond mining causes by land, water, and air, moissanite is one nature-friendly substitute, being a lab-grown gem.
Limited Versatility: The availability of natural diamonds is highly nature-constrained; this very fact constrains the design options for jewelry. Because moissanite is grown in a lab, the availability of totally novel design options is really expanded with the option of being truly unique.
Questionable Ethical Sourcing: A few bad apples had definitely tainted the reputation of diamond mining even after so many efforts to steady the ethical standards that are followed. Moissanite, in this regard, kills all concerns of the labor practice and/or exploitation common in diamond mining, therefore, making it a happy source of moissanite.

Moissanite or Cultured Diamond?

These properties would easily place moissanite into the category of a precious gem, such as sapphires and emeralds. Moissanite has an appearance as well as durability that equals diamonds, making it a very natural gem in bridal items.

For cultured diamonds, this is quite a practical price range, ranging from $1,200 to $5,000. Moissanite allows you to actualize that dream ring design and number of carats at a relatively affordable price.

A moissanite is the perfect selection for one in need of the best quality diamond substitute, with ethical and cheap implications.

Learn More About Moissanite

Our Go-To Guide for Everything You Need to Know.

Does moissanite lose its brilliance over time?
No, moissanite never loses its shine and brilliance if it is properly taken care of. Moissanite does not become dull or cloudy over time, like other gemstones can do.

What sets moissanite apart from othergemstones?
Throughout the years, moissanite has been very popular for its brilliance, durability, and how it can make a diamond look very much according to your pocket. Other advantages of this gem over diamond include that it is more sustainable and is obtained without harming the ecosystems.

Is moissanite suitable for engagement rings?
Yes, moissanite is a wonderful, durable stone for an engagement ring and is budget-friendly as well. For this reason, many couples prefer moissanite to traditional diamond rings.

Does moissanite require special care?
It is very durable, though we still recommend cleaning your moissanite jewelry regularly with mild soap and warm water to keep its brilliance. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.
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